Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Challenge Accepted!

Somebody had their chest all puffed out, thinking they are tough, and decided to call me out on a little weight loss challenge the other night!   That someone being Amanda!   For a little while now we have been going to the same gym, her doing all the classes and me, lifting and listening to my ipod.   We always playfully call each other out on who works out harder or who does the worst exercises (we all know I do, lol) or say, "I thought you were losing weight, why you eating that?".  Well this time, Amanda decided she wanted to take it one step further and throw out a little 30 day challenge!   Being the Alpha Male I had to show her I wouldn't back down to any challenge she wanted to throw at me and laughed at her as she sat their grinning in the kitchen (where most of our deals are made).   The challenge she proposed is as followed:

"By the end of February, lets see who can hit our goal weight loss for the month.   My goal is 10lbs."   Me being me had to one up her and say, "Ha, that's it?  I will do 20lbs to your 10lbs.".

We ended the challenge rules with a handshake and I think she may have done an Egyptian style dance with her arms and shouted "oh yeah buddy, you are going down."  So, today she emailed with a picture of her on the scale and her "starting weight" and to be a good husband I will just say her starting number is "10".   My starting number will be posted to my twitter account, down below on this blog, unless you follow me then you will see the TwitPic as soon as I get to the gym.   Last time I weighed myself at the gym I was in the high 260s, I should be in the 270s now because of the way I have been eating lately, but I ain't skurrrred!

Just so you know what we are talking about here, weight wise, cause I know you think it isn't much:

So, now you know what is going on at the household, a simple husband/wife, bet.     Whose team are you on?????  Leave a comment and let me know if you are "Team Jay" or "Team Da"!

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