Sunday, January 27, 2013

Fat Stick Figure

Hello everyone!  See that pic right there, yeah, that's how I felt for a long time!   Throughout the years I packed on more and more weight but never seemed to think I was "overweight" (aka fat).   I seemed to think every thing was fine with the way I looked, I had a serious girlfriend>who eventually became my wife>who then became the mother of my children; who did I have to impress?   She was ok with who and what I was, why did it matter to me what anyone else thought?   Never once did I think about my health or feeling good in my own skin.  All that mattered was I was ok with being the "funny fat friend".

But then one day my wife Amanda noticed I was having problems breathing and didn't look so good (mind you, I was just sitting there doing nothing but watching TV) and she said the following that made me get my ass into gear, "Jay, you are breathing like you just ran a marathon and you haven't even got off the couch.  You really should be careful I don't need you to have a heart attack, me and the kids wouldn't like that."   I don't know if it was the fact that her being some what alarmed (for those that really know her, know what I mean) or the fact she mentioned my kids; but I stopped and really thought about it.   That night, after her and the kids went to bed, I stared in the bathroom mirror for what seemed to be an eternity, looking at myself; physically and mentally.   Conclusion, I was embarrassed.  I was embarrassed that I actually let myself get that way; embarrassed I was ok with being that way; embarrassed that I looked that way when I stood by my beautiful wife and kids.

The next morning, I woke up on a mission.   All week I was going to research every kind of weight loss program out there; and I did.   I read eBooks, bought a great book (The 4 Hour Body - more on this later) watched videos, talked to people at the gym (the same gym I been paying for without ever going) and then I watched a movie documentary that changed my life!   The movie title alone is what caught my eye:  Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.   I saw that and said, "this is me".   After watching that movie and absorbing every thing I read, I set out on my journey!

In the following blog posts I will take you with me on the "reboot" of my weight loss journey.  I say "reboot" because I really started this mass diet/lifestyle change back on January 3rd, 2012.   I was an idiot and didn't think about blogging about my experience when I first started, an experience that led to a 52lb weight loss!  I have been off the "crazy/hardcore diet" for a while now and think it is time to have another go at it and see how much I can lose now since all the "easy fat" is gone.   Along with dieting I will be including my activities at the gym and anything else I deem is worthy of talking about.   I hope you enjoy it and feel free to comment all you want about any post(s)!

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